
This is the class for computing the video DQM.

class QPrism.Video.DQM.Video_DQM

Bases: object

artifacts_ratio(path: str)

This function gets how much of the video that contains video artifacts

Returns the ratio of the video that contains artifacts (motion blur, too grainy, static) if the input path is a file. Returns a dict mathing the input videos to their artifacts percentage if the input path is a folder.


path to a folder or a file

bit_rate(path: str)

Get the bit rate of the video

Returns the bit rate for input video or each video in the input folder.


path to a folder or a file

creation_time(path: str)

This function gets the creation time of a video.

Returns the creation time of the video if the input path is a file. Returns a dict matching the input videos to their creation time if the input path is a folder.


path to a folder or a file

duration(path: str)

This function gives the length for both a folder of audios or a single audio file.

Returns the length of the input audio if the input path is a file. Returns a dict matching the input audio files to their length if the input path is a folder.


A path to a folder or a file.

format(path: str)

Get the format of the video This functions calls the video_format function and gives the format for both a folder of videos or a single video file.

path : path to a folder or a file

dict (incase of folder) str (incase of file)

dict : {‘video_file1’ : ‘.mp4’, … ‘video_filen’ : ‘.mp4’} str : ‘.mp4’

framerate(path: str)

This function get the framerate of the video.

Returns the frame rate of the video if the input path is a file. Returns a dict matching the input videos to their frame rate if the input path is a folder.


path to a folder or a file

illumination(path: str)

This function gives the brightness of the video.

Returns the brightness of the video if the input path is a file. Returns a dict matching the input videos to their frame rate if the input path is a folder.


path to a folder or a file

object_detection(path: str, modelname: str)

This function detect all the objects present in the video.

Returns the detected objects in the video if the input path is a file. Returns a dict matching the input videos to their detected objects.


path to a folder or a file

resolution(path: str)

This function returns the resolution of a video or the videos in given folder


path to a folder or a file

save_csv(path: str, output_path: str, modelname='yolov5s')

Creates a csv file consists of all the video metrics.

Saves a csv file to the input path with all video quality metrics


path to single video file or folder


path to the output csv file


yolov5 model name for object detection